Zapier Support

Help when you need it, how you need it

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Our team is your team

Here's why companies large and small love Zapier Support

Support on your schedule

Need help troubleshooting? Access our Support team 24 hours a day, five days a week, and 12 hours a day on weekends.

Human-powered support

Our team of real humans will help you solve your issues so you can get back to automating faster.

Support that scales with you

Comprehensive support for businesses of all sizes—from self-serve help docs to custom implementation.

Choose how you'd like to get support

"Zapier’s support staff is top notch… Anyone I speak with is well-versed in automation and will always bring suggestions if what I’m trying doesn’t work."

Marisa Pelligrino

Senior Program Manager at Homesnap

Support options for every budget

On-demand resourcesFreeProfessionalTeamEnterprise
Zapier Learn
Zapier Community
Guides and tutorials
Zapier Virtual Assistant
Zapier SupportFreeProfessionalTeamEnterpriseFreeProfessional
Email support*
30 days of free email support after your trial ends
Target response time: 8 hours Monday-Friday, 24 hours on weekends
Target response time: 1 hour for first response, 8 hours for follow-up responses, 24 hours on weekends
Target response time: 1 hour for first response, 8 hours for follow-up responses, 24 hours on weekends
30 days of free email support after your trial ends
Target response time: 8 hours Monday-Friday, 24 hours on weekends
Live chat
Available Monday to Friday, 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. EST. Target Wait Time <5 minutes Available for customers on Professional plans with 2k+ tasks
Available 24 hours a day, 5 days a week, except Fridays when we close support at 8 p.m. ET. Target wait time: <1 minute
Available 24 hours a day, 5 days a week, except Fridays when we close support at 8 p.m. ET. Target wait time: <1 minute
Available Monday to Friday, 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. EST. Target Wait Time <5 minutes Available for customers on Professional plans with 2k+ tasks
Access to Customer Success Onboarding

*These times reflect Zapier's goals for providing support responses, however, they are not service-level guarantees. Actual response times may vary depending on volume and request complexity

Professional ServicesFreeProfessionalTeamEnterpriseFreeProfessional
Designated Technical Support

**Designated Technical Support is available to purchase for customers on Professional plans with 100,000+ tasks

Frequently asked questions

Join the 2.2 million business that rely on Zapier
